MicroLED is generally interpreted as the next-generation light emitting technology. It utilizes <50 μm LED as individual pixel elements to achieve ultra-high resolution, true RGB pixels, high brightness, fast response, and power efficiency, which outperform every traditional display technology.
MicroLED's superb performances enable truly immersive visuals, breaking through some of the obstacles traditional light-emitting technologies might face.
It enables integration of MicroLED in devices from AR/VR glasses, TV, smartphone, smartwatches, HUD, etc.
Raleigh Vision開創先進的3D MicroLED堆疊技術,實現超過10,000 PPI的解析度。我們的像素架構同時具備簡易維修的特性。
Raleigh Vision pioneers advanced 3D MicroLED stacking technology enabling over 10,000 PPI. Our pixel architecture also allows for easy pixel repair.
Through improving the performances and manufacturability, cutting-edge MicroLED
Raleigh Vision開創先進的3D MicroLED堆疊技術,實現超過10,000 PPI的解析度。我們的像素架構同時具備簡易維修的特性。
Raleigh Vision pioneers advanced 3D MicroLED stacking technology enabling over 10,000 PPI. Our pixel architecture also allows for easy pixel repair.
Through improving the performances and manufacturability, cutting-edge MicroLED can be released into the market with reasonable yields and costs.
We focus on using AI to revolutionize current MicroLED manufacturing processes, including the mass transfer, inspection and repair. We believe the use AI algorithm, including machine deep learning, large language model, can help handle, predict, and prevent defects in our customers' final MicroLED products.
We can provide these AI solutions to our customers based on their needs with great flexibility.
To overcome the color and intensity non-uniformity, RVI has been striving on innovating the processes of MicroLED manufacturing.
With XNOW bin mixing technology, we have the ability to:
The Company’s stacked full-color RGB offers numerous benefits. It can achieve ultra-high 8K resolution in microdisplay, and true RGB pixels in the MicroLED panel enhance image sharpness and color performance.
Planar structure works well for large displays with low pixel density but struggles with high pixel density devices. Since RGB chips need separate positions on the backplane, this occupies about four times more area than stacked structures, thus limiting the ultimate pixel density.
Pixels with stacked structure can be fabricated smaller since R, G, and B chips occupy roughly the area of one MicroLED chip. As a result, the Company’s design enables more efficient and better-performing products compared to traditional designs.
The world's smallest MicroLED-in-Package Product based on stacking technology.
Compared to conventional MicroLED chip: